Diana's Pink & Blue Rocking Horse

Diana's Pink & Blue Rocking Horse

no longer available

Measures: 52 in. x 57 in. (h x l)
Rockers: 57 in., top of brass pole: 65 in.

This full size carousel rocking horse was made from solid wood with wooden base, rockers, brass pole, jewels and hand painted by Ernest in 1990.

Made by S&S Woodcarvers of Santa Anna, CA. This design is known as the Blue Diana's Large Horse On Rockers; it is named after Diana Ross who was one of the first celebrities to buy from S&S Woodcarvers.

This rocking horse has some cracking top coat on the base and a small defect on the seat; all jewels are in place. All details are clearly visible in the images. This rocking horse is in very good condition!

It takes up residence in Fontana, CA.

"This carousel horse was purchased for my grandma as a birthday present in the 90's. She was so excited to have an adult size rocking horse that had her favorite colors on it. Many pictures were taken over the years as all of us 17 grandchildren were born. She'd proudly sit on the rocking horse while holding the tiny newborn grandchild. The only time we were allowed on the rocking horse haha. It sat in the window on the second floor of her home so that who ever came over would see it displayed in the window."

~ Ashleigh (current owner)


S&S Woodcarvers Carousel Rocking Horse front


Blue Carousel Rocking Horse rear by S&S Woodcarvers


Blue Carousel Horse On Rockers top view


Painted by Ernest 11-14-90


Pink and Blue Rocking Horse face


Pink and Blue Rocking Horse face post side


S&S Woodcarvers Carousel Rocking Horse reverse side
