There shouldn’t be mixed emotions when your child takes their first steps around the home, it should be an amazing time for both child and parents. However with the ability to walk comes the want to explore and with exploration comes the inevitable desire to open everything.
For the majority of the time opening doors, boxes and anything else they can get their hands on is a safe and closely monitored activity. Curiosity is after all a key route to learning and developing new skills and no parent wants to put a cap on their child’s ability to learn.
There are however obviously some parts of the home that simply aren’t safe for toddlers and young children to access on their own. Similarly most appliances and white goods in the hands of a child suddenly become very dangerous. For this reason the vast majority of us install child proof devices. There are so many different child proofing gadgets out there that we have decided to put together our list of the top 5 locks and mechanisms specifically designed to prevent access to doors and drawers.
1. Mommy’s Helper Door Knob Safety Cover

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If you really don’t want there to be any chance your child can get into a specific room then door knob covers are the way forward. Using the same principal as a child proof medicine cap the cover will only work if two circular parts are depressed at the same time as turning. Otherwise the cover will just continue to spin.
2. Child proof stoppers

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Almost as dangerous as your child getting into an area that they shouldn’t is the prospect of them closing one of your heavy doors on a finger or toe. Kids love to play around with doors; opening and closing them constantly. By using a simple stopper like the one in the image; you will remove the chance of anything bad happening.
3. Wardrobe & cupboard doors

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Doors are doors and your wardrobe & cupboard doors should not be excluded from the child proofing. Wardrobes tend to contain valuable items whilst kitchen doors and drawers more than likely contain something dangerous. The above locking devices are attached across double doors, preventing them from opening outwards. Simple, inexpensive and very effective.
4. Refined child proof exterior door lock

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The majority of child proof locks aren’t designed with form in mind; they focus solely on functionality and as such can look a touch cumbersome. Whilst the majority of you won’t bat an eyelid, a small proportion of you will be looking for something that not only protects your children but also fits in with the rest of the house. The Cardinal Gates Exterior Door Guardian is the product for you; available in 5 finishes and easily installed.
5. Basic KidCo Cabinet & Drawer Lock

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You can look at all the new child proofing concepts that have been developed over the years and one classic design always stands out. The KidCo Cabinet & Drawer Lock is easy to install, unobtrusive and works. Once installed you can gain access to your draws and doors by simply pressing down on the latch, closing the door/drawer reengages the lock. Can’t get much easier than that.
These 5 child safe door locks and latches were brought to you by Yale composite doors UK. Yale Doors are police approved and adhere to the ‘secured by design’ initiative.
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A smart home defines a high-security zone. Child safety always come first and If you want a smart home for a safe living for your kids safety you have to invest in a home safety system to keep an eye on your kids.I found your post quite interesting and useful as a tool which could help me enhance my kids safety.
Very helpful article .When it comes to babies we can’t never be too sure.No matter how much we baby proof the house, we always feel that something is still not done.These are some of the most forgotten and overlooked baby-proofing tips.Thanks for bringing this up.
These are really nice and useful. We have one one the inside of our front door. They have them for lever-style door handles as well. Or put a deadbolt at the top of the door. Or hang some sleigh bells from the doorknob.
Hey admin, I just want to say that i love your blog article you write really simple and easy to understand. Thank you for sharing this article with us.
Love all these solutions! There are so many different doors and situations that it’s great to see all these solutions.
Very helpful and awareness article for parents. Easy to understand.” Mommy’s Helper Door Knob Safety Cover & Basic KidCo Cabinet & Drawer Lock” preferable for me. I have plan to install in my home. Thank you very much to share such kind of baby safety product.
Great post. Child locks are a must have for any home with kids. Thanks for sharing this.