Posts by admin

Make the Dentist More Fun for Kids

It is a known fact most kids hate the idea of going to the dentist. Between the frightening tools next to the uncomfortable chair and the inability to talk for the entire time, it is typically not their idea of a good time. In fact, it’s not really anyone’s idea of a good time, but […]

Throw A Superhero Party

These days, it seems like superheroes are everywhere you look. From movies to books to video games to costumes, everywhere you turn there’s one superhero or another. Personally, we can’t blame anyone for being excited about it. Who doesn’t like to imagine what it would be like to fly through the air, walk through walls, […]

Tips to Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Santa

Christmas sure is a magical time and for those who celebrate it; it is also a time full of traditions and expectations.  Most parents want to make that Christmas magic happen for their kids, which often means they want that adorable picture of their child beaming on Santa’s knee.  Once children understand that this jolly […]

Frugal Baby Shower Ideas

It seems thrift is going to be with everyone for quite some time, and if there’s a solid way to save a little cash these days, finding it is an absolute must. Nowhere is that more true than when you’re trying to throw a party like a baby shower and stay on budget. Fortunately, there […]

10 Fun Birthday Party Themes for Boys

Birthday parties are always fun, but they can be a bit more exciting with the ideal theme. Choosing a great theme for your son can seem like a monumental task. After all, there are probably a multitude of things he’s interested in, and when you combine that with the ideas you like, you’re certain to […]

How to Have Drama-Free Dinnertime with Kids

For your entertainment tonight, we are featuring a new show called, “Mom, He Kicked My Leg Under the Table,” followed by a re-showing of the classic, “This Food Stinks!”  Enjoy, and watch out for flying food, spilled drinks, and whining children.  Family dinners are wonderful ways to gather together, share details about your day, and […]

How to Take Holiday Photos That Won’t Embarrass Your Family

You’re probably the kind of person who won’t demand that your family wear matching Christmas sweaters for the annual card. You’re probably against posing people in awkward contortions suitable for synchronized swimming, too. So far, so good. But — How are you going to take a professional-looking photo for your holiday card if you don’t […]

Best Digital Cameras for Kids

Whether you’re a professional photographer or not, your kids have probably asked you many times to let them take pictures with your camera. You don’t want to say no, but that thing was expensive! Luckily, in the past few years companies have been producing kid-friendly cameras built for 3 year olds all the way up […]

Kids Custom Birthday Cake Ideas

Children have birthdays every year and their interests change even faster than that. As they grow up and their view of the world changes their passions evolve. It is up to a parent to nurture these passions and help guide their kids along the right track. Now parents all have different views of what the […]

Impact of Divorce on Children’s Behavior Problems

The impact on children of divorced/divorcing parents is devastating regardless of age; however, depending on age, the impact and ways of handling the fall-out can and should vary. Despite age, children suffer many stressors upon the divorce of their parents. Children cannot always comprehend how divorce will affect them and how their lives may change, […]

Money-Saving Clothing Tips for Frugal Moms

Children’s clothing is adorable, but it can sometimes be outrageously priced. Fortunately, frugal moms know how to save money when it comes to wardrobing their quickly growing little ones. Below are some valuable tips for money-conscious moms everywhere: Save Sibling Clothing for Your Younger Children This one is a no-brainer. If you already have a […]

How to Stop Thumb Sucking

Many children suck their thumbs; however, most children stop sucking their thumbs by the age of four or five. Often, a child will suck their thumb if they are afraid, nervous or unsure of what is going on. However, if this habit goes on too long, it can lead to speech or dental problems. There […]

Raising Multiples: Triplets, Twins and a Single…Life Is Crazy!

I am a mom, a stay at home mom to be exact.  I worked outside of the home until I was 6 months pregnant with my triplets.  Adding triplet boys to my current family of 5 was enough to push me into leaving my job outside of the home and committing to raising my 6 […]

5 Things Every Geek Dad Should Teach His Kids

Your geeky passions may not seem like they have much to do with your kids other than sharing your love of movies and books, but geekiness may just be the best parenting tool you have. Being a geek is really just being passionate about something, and that enthusiasm will go a long way to putting […]

Play-Friendly Clubhouses for Kids

Once the warmer days of spring and summer arrive, most children are anxious to play outdoors. If you’re looking for inexpensive outdoor activities that will inspire your child to use his or her creativity, building a clubhouse together can be the perfect solution. Although you could certainly purchase a pre-made clubhouse, it can be a […]