Archives for November 2013

Merry Go Round At Zoo Atlanta

    The Nabisco Endangered Species Carousel takes zoo guests for a whimsical spin upon 38 hand-carved wooden animal figures. The ride also features a series of hand-painted murals depicting endangered mothers and babies in their natural habitats. The carousel is located in the Children’s Zoo, and is housed under a colorful pavilion that protects […]

Four Lucky Leaves Review

Our daughter’s new favorite book, “Where’s my clover reaver book?” She just turned four and doesn’t quite remember the title of her book. The illustrations on every page bring the main character, a four leaf clover, to life. Tweet admin

12 Kid’s Room Christmas Decoration Ideas

Embellishing your house on the bountiful eve of Christmas is overwhelming pleasure. You need every room to be well arranged with an innovative Christmas theme. Doing Christmas arrangements in your tween’s room could be a little problematic if your kids don’t like it. It’s better to practice do-it-yourself ideas for more tailored stuff correlated to […]

10 Easy Tips for Being Productive While the Kids Are at Home

As a crafter, trying to find the time and space you need to focus on your projects is a challenge on a good day. If you have kids who are still at home, it can be even more difficult. You need to finish a commission but your kids need attention, too. How do you balance […]